Climate Justice and Energy

Hope, Outrage and Courage on the First Anniversary of Brumadinho Dam Disaster

On 24 January, the eve of the first anniversary of mining company Vale's crimes in Brumadinho, human rights defender Leonardo Boff expressed his solidarity with the 270 victims and their families. The theologian, philosopher and writer participated in an international seminar, ‘One year after the crime committed by Vale in Brumadinho’, organized by the Brazilian Movement of People Affected by…

Healing through the struggle for Human Rights

Lead, mercury, cadmium and zinc are just some of the heavy metals found in the toxic mud left over from mining activities. Government officials in Minas Gerais, Brazil, identified levels of these metals up to 21 times above the acceptable metal in the mud that spread through Brumadinho and the Paraopeba River on 25 January, 2019. Geraldo Martins, a healthcare…

People affected by Brumadinho dam disaster protest outside Minas Gerais court

The Brazilian Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) launched on 20 January a week of activities for the Days of Struggle (“Jornadas de Lucha”) to mark the first anniversary of corporate crimes committed by mining company Vale in Brumadinho, Brazil. Hundreds of people affected by mining and hydroelectric dams will march 300 kilometers over five days, tracing back along…

Brumadinho: one million people affected

“This is the second crime of this type. Brumadinho has been worse than Mariana. How many more crimes will it take to rethink the mining paradigm?” Moisés Borges, member of the National Coordination of the Movement of Peoples Affected by Dams (MAB) told Real World Radio.  The MAB is getting ready to host tens of activists from around the world…

Australia: this is climate change

"Australia is experiencing an unprecedented fire crisis. 10 million hectares have been burned already. Nearly 2000 homes have been destroyed and many lives lost. The fires are so immense they have created their own weather systems, sparking more fires by generating their own dry electrical storms. Firefighters have never seen anything like it. Scientists are now saying many billions of…

Real World Radio Europe #24

A vibrant and protected civic space is an essential part of a healthy democracy - but it´s under attack. 16 Friends of the Earth member organisations have told us they are facing restrictions, intimidation, harassment and attacks - what we collectively call 'shrinking space'. In this episode we hear how it is affecting our members in Austria and in Cyprus,…

From Santiago to Madrid, the world woke up

In a year marked by climate mobilizations, the people took to the streets once again in Madrid and Santiago against political inaction in the face of the climate and environmental crises. These are demonstrations that unite in one same voice the diversity of the struggles, demanding concrete and ambitious measures based on social justice, equity and the protection of Nature.…

Historic legal action against Total in France for operations in Uganda

Four organizations from Uganda and two from France filed a lawsuit against oil giant Total in French court on Wednesday,  accusing the company of not taking the necessary measures to respect human rights and the environment in its oil megaproject in Uganda. To make way for exploratory works for oil drilling, Total evicted approximately 5000 people from their lands, before…

Climate Strikes in Friends of the Earth

Report from Friends of the Earth International - Climate Justice & Energy International Programme The week of 20-27 September saw the biggest global mobilisation to highlight the climate emergency in history with over 7 million people participating in global climate strikes and actions! Friends of the Earth groups around the world were part of this movement – supporting youth and calling for…

Real World Radio Europe #23

This time we’re joining Sandra (+some special guests) from Bosnia and Herzegovina on a journey to the mountain village Pecka. This famously magical place is currently becoming a solar energy community, thanks to a ground-breaking crowdfunding campaign by FoE Bosnia and Herzegovina and partners.