Climate Justice and Energy

IPCC report leaves no doubt about climate change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released, on 9 August 2021, the first part of its Sixth Assessment Report: “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis”. The rest of the report will be released over the next few months. “Many of the changes observed in the climate are unprecedented in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, and…


On May 26, as a result of legal action brought by Friends of the Earth Netherlands (Milieudefensie) together with 17,000 co-plaintiffs and six other organisations, the Hague court ordered Shell to reduce its CO2 emissions by 45% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels. This was the first time in history that a judge has held a corporation liable for causing…

What is going on with plastic waste in the Asia Pacific region?

“Asia is drowning in plastic,” says a new report from the Centre for Environmental Justice/Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka, launched in the wake of the 15th UN COP to the Basel Convention, which was held online from 26 to 30 July. The report, entitled “Breaking the Plastic Cycle in Asia”, exposes the reality of plastic waste dumping for people…

Shell ordered to cut its CO2 emissions in half by 2030

“This is a historical moment for all of us. For the first time in history, a judge has ordered one of the largest polluters to stop contributing to dangerous climate change. The judge was crystal clear: Shell causes dangerous climate change, and Shell should stop immediately with doing that. It is a clear signal to all polluters in the world:…

Friends of the Earth Bangladesh calls for independent investigation into coal plant workers police shooting

It has been a month since police opened fire on a workers peaceful demonstration at the under-construction Banshkhali Coal Power plant in Bangladesh. They were defending their worker's rights and payment of their overdue salary. "They were protesting because of their underwages, disgusting working conditions and also because they want to reduce a few working hours during Ramadan month", summarized…

Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific demands justice for nine indigenous leaders killed in the Philippines

On 30 December 2020, nine Tumandok indigenous leaders were killed and 16 others arrested by the Philippine Army and National Police in a joint operation on Panay Island, located south of the Philippines. State forces allege that those killed were members of an insurgent group and that upon being served search warrants for illegal possession of firearms and explosives, they…

Friends of the Earth wins historic ruling against Shell in Nigeria

On 29 January 2021, after 13 years of legal proceedings, the Dutch court ruled in favour of four farmers who, with the support of Friends of the Earth Netherlands, denounced Shell for oil spills in the Niger Delta between 2004 and 2007. “My first impression is that of joy and happiness. When you struggle and you see the fruit of…

Covid-19 : Le chemin des peuples de la crise à la reprise

La Radio Mundo Real et les Amis de la Terre International présentent cette émission spéciale, qui vise à mettre en évidence les impacts de Covid-19 et des réponses nationales à la pandémie sur les peuples et les territoires. Nous examinons comment les mouvements sociaux et les groupes membres des Amis de la Terre ont répondu à la pandémie, nous analysons…

Covid-19: The peoples’ path from crisis to recovery

Real World Radio and Friends of the Earth International present this special show, which aims to highlight the impacts of Covid-19 and national responses to the pandemic on peoples and territories. We look at how social movements and Friends of the Earth groups have responded to the pandemic, analyse the politics behind the health crisis, and explore the possibilities for…

African Peoples Tribunal demands a radical shift in the way transnational corporations operate

The African Peoples Tribunal, organised in Lagos and online by Friends of the Earth Africa, saw testimonies on cases from 10 African countries. The 24-28 November event ended with a call on governments to urgently ensure that human rights are respected and protected. It also denounced the collusion between governments and transnational corporations as objectionable and unacceptable. “This was probably…