Latin America and the Caribbean

Roger Waters: “Helping others brings us joy”

“We are here to talk about Palestine, we are here to talk about BDS and we are here to talk about human rights and I´m very happy to see all of you here tonight”, said Waters at the beginning of the meeting with Uruguayan journalists Alejandra Casablanca and Virginia Martínez and political expert Gabriel Delacoste. The meeting was organized by…

The process continues

The resolutions and conclusions of the Intergovernmental Working Group submitted by Luis Gallegos, permanent representative of Ecuador at the UN and chair of the negotiations, were approved, but the representatives of the European Union were the only ones there who did not agree with the conclusions. Now the chair will present a revised version of the binding instrument before June…

Free Rivers, Living Peoples

The meeting is taking place in Barrancabermeja, a city located in Santander Department. During its first day, 400 people arrived, among them members of the six national delegations of Ríos Vivos and international representatives. The national delegations are: Asprocig (of Bajo Sinú region), Asoquimbo (Huila), Social Movement for the Defense of Sogamoso and Chucurí Rivers (Santander), Ríos Vivos Movement Cauca,…

Standing Strong

Thousands of demonstrators are marching from different areas of the country and heading to the Guatemalan Congress building to demand the resignation of President Jimmy Morales, and the continuation of the International Commission against Corruption in Guatemala (CICIG) that has been investigating acts of corruption in the government since 2017. Real World Radio interviewed Lucía Ixchiu, independent k'iché journalist who…

Justice for Berta

Berta Cáceres, a defender of the Lenca people, was murdered on March 2nd, 2016, at her home in La Esperanza, Intibucá department, 200 kilometers North-West to the Honduran capital city. Her murder took place in the framework of an ongoing and systematic repression suffered by those who defend their territories and human rights in Honduras, especially since the coup d´Etat…

Being a defender in Central America

Marta Rivas was born 29 years ago in a settlement for Salvadoran refugees in Honduras known as “Mesa Grande”, where she lived with hundreds of children who grew up during the armed conflict that took place in El Salvador from 1980 to 1992. She was named after her community: Santa Marta, located in Cabañas department, to the North of her…


The Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH) held on August 7th a press conference to denounce judicial irregularities in the investigation process that is accusing eight people over Berta Cáceres femicide. The General Coordinator of COPINH, defender of peoples and territories, was murdered on March 2nd, 2016 in La Esperanza. She had been fighting against the…

“Santiago worked in solidarity together with the people”

It´s been a year since Santiago Maldonado disappeared and was subsequently found dead. Maldonado was an Argentinian young man who worked in solidarity with the Mapuche people, struggling to recover their ancestral lands that were acquired by business magnate Luciano Benetton. On August 1st, 2017, Maldonado disappeared after the Argentinian security forces violently repressed demonstrators at the Pu Lof community…

Political femicide

Her daughter, Bertha Zúñiga Cáceres, told Real World Radio that this may be a “historical trial”, although the people who masterminded the murder won´t be tried. The oral and public hearings against the eight men accused of murdering Berta Cáceres are scheduled to take place from September 10 to 28, reported COPINH. Bertha Zúñiga said that the defendants are five…

A century of intervention

Daniel Kovalik, writer of “The Plot to Scapegoat Russia”, deepens on how the US has intervened in many ways in Latin America in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the situation in Nicaragua. Since last April, several so-called “civil society” organizations have been demanding the exit of the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional and its president Daniel Ortega from office,…