Other Articles

Marianela Mejía Solórzano of OFRANEH: “They are calling us ‘invaders’ of our own lands”

Marianela Mejía Solórzano and her sister Jennifer, members of the Honduran Black Fraternal Organisation, OFRANEH, were detained on 3 March of this year. They are among the 32 OFRANEH members who currently face arrest warrants, accused of supposedly “usurping” lands from the company Bienes y Raíces Juca SRL which plans to build real estate projects on ancestral territories. The arrest…

Berta Cáceres murder case: David Castillo to face trial

Roberto David Castillo Mejía is a Honduran businessman, former government employee for the state energy agency, and later Executive Director of the company in charge of the Agua Zarca hydroelectric project: Desarrollos Energéticos S.A (DESA). Berta Cáceres and the Lenca community from Rio Blanco opposed the installation of DESA’s project on the Gualcarque River. The project was granted a 20-year…

Peasant leader denounces systematic violence in Colombia at UN Human Rights Council

On Thursday 25 February, Nury Martinez, Chair of the National Agricultural Union Federation (FENSUAGRO), member of La Via Campesina in Colombia, will address the plenary meeting of the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council. She will denounce the systematic violence and repression of peasant organisations in Colombia, as well as the ongoing selective threats against defenders of land…

“Challenges of popular feminism”

The International Women's Struggle's Day is approaching, and the World March of Women is organizing two webinars to connect, visibilize and discuss the challenges and agendas of anti-capitalist feminism. On February 23rd, the first webinar "Challenges of popular feminism" will feature presentations from comrades of the World March of Women, La Via Campesina, Friends of the Earth International and the…

Friends of the Earth wins historic ruling against Shell in Nigeria

On 29 January 2021, after 13 years of legal proceedings, the Dutch court ruled in favour of four farmers who, with the support of Friends of the Earth Netherlands, denounced Shell for oil spills in the Niger Delta between 2004 and 2007. “My first impression is that of joy and happiness. When you struggle and you see the fruit of…

Brumadinho: Two years of impunity

25 January 2020 marked two years since the worst environmental crime in the history of Brazil: the collapse of a giant mining dam operated by Vale S.A., located in Córrego do Feijao, near Brumadinho, Minas Gerais State. The thousands of people affected have still not received adequate reparations for the impacts they suffered. The Brazilian Movement of Peoples Affected by Dams (MAB)…

Capire: feminist voices to change the world

Capire is an initiative coordinated by the World March of Women, together with women members of La Vía Campesina, Friends of the Earth International  and organisations that are part of the project “Strengthening Popular Feminism.” “There are so many things that women are organising, resisting and building in the territories which must be recognised and expressed as part of feminism.…


The year 2020 saw the highest recorded murders of social leaders and defenders of territories and peoples’ rights in Colombia, since the signing of the Peace Accords in 2016, according to data from the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (INDEPAZ). On 28 December 2020, peasant and social leader Omar Moreno Ibagué was murdered in Nariño department and his…

“We are in a hurry for concrete and real actions, because it is our dreams which are being shattered, our families dismembered, victimized by this racist project”

One month after the murder of João Alberto Silveira Freitas by the security guards hired by Carrefour supermarkets in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Patrícia Gonçalves, member of the Board of Directors of Friends of the Earth Brazil and activist in the Front in Defense of Quilombola Territories in Rio Grande do Sul, analyzes the measures taken by the company and the…

Ecuador will appeal Chevron’s arbitration award

At the last minute, the State Attorney General's Office of Ecuador informed the Union of People Affected by Texaco (UDAPT) that it had begun the appeal process of the arbitration award in favor of Chevron in The Hague. In November, UDAPT warned in a statement that the arbitration award issued ordered the Ecuadorian State "to violate judicial autonomy and interfere…