
Organizations announce Peoples´ Summit 2019

Over 160 social, environmental and feminist organisations, together with different unions, make up the Peoples´ Summit 2019, which was presented on July 9 in Santiago, Chile. The Peoples´ Summit will take place in Chile in resistance to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum -APEC 2019- and the United Nations Summit on Climate Change –COP 25– which will take place in November…

7th Congress of CLOC celebrates 25 years of peasant unity

From our territories: Unity, struggle and resistance for socialism and peoples´ sovereignty” is the slogan of this 8th Congress. 400 people are participating in it, including Latin American and Caribbean delegates, representatives of La Vía Campesina Romania, Congo, Nepal and North America, in addition to guests and allies from different countries. Nury Martínez, of Fensuagro (Colombia), member of the Political Commission…

“The Declaration on Peasants’ Rights should become a political tool for Agrarian Reform and Social Justice”

(Harare, April 17th, 2019) Today, April 17th, 2019, the International Day of Peasants’ Struggle, the member organisations of La Via Campesina are reaffirming the Declaration on Peasants’ Rights as a political tool to strengthen the global struggle for decent living and working conditions in rural areas. The Declaration should also be a tool for the worldwide promotion of urgently-needed agrarian…


We can still hear the echoes of the 3rd Solidarity Mission of Vía Campesina to Colombia that aimed to verify the fulfillment of the Peace Accords signed between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in 2016. The Mission came to an end on Tuesday with a press conference in the capital city, Bogota. Peasants from 17…

Canada refuses to hear appeal regarding environmental crimes committed by Chevron

The Global Campaign to Reclaim Peoples´ Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power and End Impunity , a global network of over 200 organizations, movements, trade unions and communities affected by transnational corporations worldwide, regrets the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada of April 4th and demanded, once again, the establishment of a UN Binding Treaty on transnational corporations and human rights.…

“We do not trust the Colombian government wants to comply with the Peace Accords”

After travelling through the territories of Cauca, Tolima and Sumapaz in Colombia, La Vía Campesina delegates verified that there is “lack of compliance with the implementation of the points included in the Peace Accords (signed between FARC and the government) and a general questioning about the accords and the peace process” by representatives of Iván Duque´s administration. “We´ve experienced, lived…

A trip through Sri Lanka: an account of the environmental situation in this country

Plastic pollution in Sri Lanka, a current issue at world level in environmental terms, and a study that reports about the presence of high levels of mercury in the local population where there is a Chinese-built coal-fired power station, are some of the issues Sri Lankan activist, Hemantha Withanage, made reference to in an interview with Real World Radio. The…


The thermal power plant located in Gacko municipality has caused multiple human health problems since it was built in 1983. It is the second biggest polluter in the Western Balkans due to its emission of fine particles (PM10). In 2016 alone it caused 158 deaths, 331 cases of bronchitis in children and 83 cases of chronic bronchitis in adults, 3371 children with…

Military police officers arrested for murder of Marielle Franco

Retired military police officer Ronnie Lessa (48) and former military police Élcio Vieira de Queiroz (46) were arrested in the early morning of March 12, accused of being the ones who executed Marielle Franco, councilwoman of PSOL Party and her driver, Anderson Gomes, almost a year ago. The arrest was made by the Homicide Division of the Civil Police of…