At the end of May, Juan Orlando Hernández´ administration announced several reforms aiming to privatize services, through the passing of the Law of Restructuring and Transformation of the National Education and Healthcare System. So people took to the streets once against in Tegucigalpa against the threat of massive dismissals of doctors and teachers and to denounce the general state of…
This was the third meeting of Friends of the Earth International´s Working Group since it was created. From May 2 to 5, its members analyzed what has been done so far and the steps to follow. Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) seeks to mainstream the feminist perspective and gender justice in all its programs, campaigns and member groups. Real…
Several organizations and networks are endorsing an open letter to Lenín Moreno Garcés, President of Ecuador, that will be delivered on May 21 to Ecuadorian embassies around the world. They are asking for justice and are deeply concerned about the Chevron-Texaco case in the Ecuadorian Amazon region: “The case is irrefutable proof of the way the system whose purpose is…
A scientific report issued on Monday states that the natural world is in a dire situation and that human actions have significantly altered nature in different parts of the world. “Human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before. Around 1 million species already face extinction, many within decades, unless action is taken to reduce the intensity…
The Humanitarian Shelter for Life was established on April 28 in Bogota to raise awareness about the risks suffered by defenders of life and territories in Colombia. The decision was part of the national and international work being carried out with Colombian defenders of life and territories who are being persecuted, criminalized and murdered in that country. This follows the…
Since January 2018, the population of Reitoca, a municipality of Francisco Morazan department, Honduras, is controlling the territories of the high areas of the town, where they set up a campsite to prevent a hydroelectric dam from being built on Petacón River. In the afternoon of Wednesday 24, police officers and members of the Tigre security forces came to forcibly…
(Harare, April 17th, 2019) Today, April 17th, 2019, the International Day of Peasants’ Struggle, the member organisations of La Via Campesina are reaffirming the Declaration on Peasants’ Rights as a political tool to strengthen the global struggle for decent living and working conditions in rural areas. The Declaration should also be a tool for the worldwide promotion of urgently-needed agrarian…
April 17 marks the International Day of Peasant Struggle to remember the 19 peasants of the Landless Rural Workers Movement of Brazil who were murdered in 1996 in the “Massacre of Eldorado dos Carajas”. That day, tens of police officers attacked 1500 landless peasants in Eldorado dos Carajás. Since then, every April 17, there are thousands of demonstrations around the…
The leader of the Association of Rural Workers of Nicaragua (ATC) Fausto Torres, called for an “International Day for Peace in Colombia” and urged governments to demand Colombian president Iván Duque to advance in the fulfillment of the Peace Accords signed in 2016 by the State with the former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). “Solidarity is crucial. It depends on peasant…
We can still hear the echoes of the 3rd Solidarity Mission of Vía Campesina to Colombia that aimed to verify the fulfillment of the Peace Accords signed between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) in 2016. The Mission came to an end on Tuesday with a press conference in the capital city, Bogota. Peasants from 17…