
People affected by Brumadinho dam disaster protest outside Minas Gerais court

The Brazilian Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) launched on 20 January a week of activities for the Days of Struggle (“Jornadas de Lucha”) to mark the first anniversary of corporate crimes committed by mining company Vale in Brumadinho, Brazil. Hundreds of people affected by mining and hydroelectric dams will march 300 kilometers over five days, tracing back along…

Peoples’ Tribunal to judge crimes committed by UN “Stabilisation Mission” MINUSTAH in Haiti

The Peoples' Tribunal will assess and rule on the crimes committed during the 15 years of international military occupation in Haiti through the United Nations “peacekeeping” missions (such as MINUSTAH and MINUJUSTH). The Tribunal will aim to promote “processes of disengagement, justice and reparation for all the victims of repression, sexual violence and cholera introduced by the occupation troops”, reported…

The main challenge is unity: Anti-Imperialist Meeting held in Cuba draws to a close

The Anti-Imperialist Meeting of Solidarity for Democracy and Against Neoliberalism closed on Sunday afternoon, with a ceremony at Palacio de Convenciones in Havana, Cuba. The political and symbolic value of this three-day meeting is reflected in the final numbers: 1300 participants from 789 social organizations coming from 86 countries. On Sunday morning, the different social movements and organizations, left-wing political…

Latin America needs to wake up and strengthen its unity

The Anti-imperialist Meeting of Solidarity, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism will take place in Havana from November 1 to 3, 2019, organized by the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), the Cuban Chapter of Social Movements and the Continental Day for Democracy and against Neoliberalism. The Continental Day was founded in Cuba in November 2015 when different social…


The Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH) denounced in its social media accounts that on Wednesday several armed men entered the Garifuna community of Vallecito, Department of Colon, harassing the inhabitants. The organization warns that this territory has been experiencing increasing threats and militarization in the past weeks. These lands have an immeasurable economic value and are located in a…

Black women´s lives matter

Feminism has to be antipatriarchal, anticapitalist and antiracist. Since 1992, July 25 marks the International Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women's Day. The commemoration of this day was decided at the first meeting of Afro-Latin American, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women. Today, Real World Radio wants to highlight the voices and struggles of Afro-descendant and black women, defenders of the peoples…


The 7th Continental Congress of the Coordination of Rural Organizations (CLOC-La Vía Campesina) began on June 25 in Güira de Melena (Artemisa, Cuba) with peasant youth as protagonists as they carried out their 5th Assembly. This meeting took place at the “Niceto Pérez García” Center of the National Association of Small Farmers of Cuba (ANAP). 100 delegates from 19 countries…


The data were presented during the Popular Assembly on Mining on June 11 in Eldorado do Sul. In that same municipality of Rio Grande do Sul state, there will be a public hearing on June 27 about the Guaíba Mine, reports Friends of the Earth Brazil. The number of mining exploitation projects is turning the state into the “new frontier…

Shelter to protect defenders of territories in Bogota, Colombia

The Humanitarian Shelter for Life was established on April 28 in Bogota to raise awareness about the risks suffered by defenders of life and territories in Colombia. The decision was part of the national and international work being carried out with Colombian defenders of life and territories who are being persecuted, criminalized and murdered in that country. This follows the…