
Global government under dispute

An encounter of social movements and organisations calling for a new multilateralism at the service of the peoples and the planet began on Thursday in New York, United States, ahead of the United Nations (UN) Summit of the Future to be held in that same city on 22 and 23 September. The encounter*, which will be held until Saturday at…

Palestine, Land and Life

Amid bombings, war crimes, mass killings of civilians, most of whom are women and children, missing persons, famine and the devastation of entire cities, environmental justice seems like a minor issue. But it is not. The link between the environmental destruction of a territory and that of its original people is inseparable. Chemical residues in the soil, water and air,…

30 years standing: anniversary of the struggle against Chevron-Texaco in Ecuador

On November 3rd 1993, a group of Indigenous People and peasants from the northern Ecuadorian Amazon filed a lawsuit against one of the world's most powerful transnational oil companies, Texaco (now Chevron), for environmental crimes. At that moment, the Union of People Affected by Texaco (UDAPT) was officially created. The lawsuit is the founding milestone of an organisation that has…

Our history: 20 years of Real World Radio

In 20 years, Real World Radio (RWR) has changed, just like reality. Different people have worked on the project, we transformed our website, we diversified our products and broadened our reach to all regions. But our identity remained the same, as did our conviction to be a communications outlet by and for social movements.  RWR was born in 2003 as…


These lines are destined to fail. They pursue an unachievable goal. How can we honour the life, ideas, thought and action of someone who gave her life to the people’s needs without hesitation, and who formed, and will continue to form, generations of women fighters? Nalu Faria was, and will continue to be, an essential reference figure for understanding grassroots,…


Almost 100 days ago, residents of Uruguay’s capital city, Montevideo, were informed that sodium and chloride levels in their drinking would go up. This news came from the public company in charge of the national drinking water supply, OSE. The freshwater reserves of Paso Severino dam on the Santa Lucía river, which supplies water to this region, were running low…

Kelvin Helen Haboski / Shutterstock. Soy harvest in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Image used in report "Replanting Agricultural Biodiversity in the CBD" by FoEI.

Stopping biodiversity loss is only possible through system change

The United Nations 2022 conference on biodiversity, widely known as the COP15, has adopted the new Global Biodiversity Framework, which will be in force until 2030. In the early hours of 19 December, the Chinese representative acting as President of the talks brought down the gavel to approve the new framework, ignoring opposition from the Democratic Republic of Congo and…

UN Negotiations for a Binding Treaty on transnational corporations and human rights end with a protest

The eighth round of UN negotiations for a Binding Treaty on transnational corporations and human rights came to an end on Friday with an action held by social movements and organizations which demanded “Rights for Peoples, Rules for TNCs.” The negotiations closed with the presentation of a report and recommendations by the Chair, which included an informal document prepared by…

Corporations cannot define human rights

Moisés Borges, leader of the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) stated that the Ecuadorian Chair of the Working Group that is negotiating at the United Nations a legally binding tool on transnational corporations and human rights is promoting a text that legitimises violations. Borges, who is part of the national coordination of the MAB and is the coordinator…

How many more socio-environmental and human rights crimes until we say enough?

On 23 August, Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean (ATALC) together with social movements and organisations from the region held a public event in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, to discuss the urgent need to agree an international legally binding instrument on transnational corporations and human rights. The goal is to gain the support of democratic governments…