Perspectives from Asia Pacific on the outcome of the COP27 climate talks

The annual UN climate talks took place in the Egyptian coastal town of Sharm el-Sheikh this year, from 6 to 20 November. This was the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, better known as “COP27”. In a press release issued at the end of the talks, Friends of the Earth International celebrated…

Silvia Ribeiro: “No one can live without food”

Questioning the power of transnational corporations in our lives means questioning production and reproduction of many spheres of our society. How we live, what we wear, how we deal with our relationships, how we work and understand politics, all these aspects are to some extent influenced by the corporate power, which undermines and exploits our lives. How we eat and…


“What we see at the international level and often at the national level is an imbalance between the rights of peoples and the rights of corporations,” warned environmental activist Sam Cossar-Gilbert, speaking about the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism in a recent webinar. ISDS is “a biased justice system, organised by private lawyers, not by judges, and it's a tool…

Pressure mounts on the WTO for a people’s vaccine to combat Covid

“The US's recent decision to back the waiver of intellectual property rights of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) shows that people power works,” said Sam Cossar, Co-coordinator of the Economic Justice and Resisting Neoliberalism program of Friends of the Earth International (FOEI). “The pressure is really now on the European Union (EU) and Australia not to continue blocking it. It…

Criminal inequality

The World Trade Organization (WTO) together with a set of free trade agreements, reciprocal protection of investments, multilateral and bilateral agreements have created criminal levels of inequality in global economy, stated the peasant federation to mark the Global Day of Action against the WTO and Free Trade Agreements on September 10. “Global bodies such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO),…