
New study exposes a rise in peoples’ rights violations during the Covid pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean

Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean (ATALC) launched on Friday a new study entitled “Internationalist Solidarity and the struggle against corporate power. Reflections on the Covid 19 pandemic and corporate violations of peoples’ rights and their human rights.” The study responded to the need to better explain “the meaning of peoples’ rights and the direct link with…

Peoples’ Tribunal to judge crimes committed by UN “Stabilisation Mission” MINUSTAH in Haiti

The Peoples' Tribunal will assess and rule on the crimes committed during the 15 years of international military occupation in Haiti through the United Nations “peacekeeping” missions (such as MINUSTAH and MINUJUSTH). The Tribunal will aim to promote “processes of disengagement, justice and reparation for all the victims of repression, sexual violence and cholera introduced by the occupation troops”, reported…