10 December: Human Rights Day

In order for me to write poetry that isn’t political I must listen to the birds and in order to hear the birds the warplanes must be silent. Marwan Makhoul This 10 December is undoubtedly marked by the endless human and collective rights violations against the people in Gaza and the West Bank, where there is an ongoing genocide and…

People affected by Chevron are not receiving due reparation by interference of the Ecuadorian State

Eleven years ago, the transnational oil company Chevron, formerly Texaco, received a historic sentence in Ecuador. It was forced by the justice of that country to pay a compensation of 9.5 billion dollars for the damages caused to indigenous communities and settlers in the provinces of Orellana and Sucumbíos in the Amazon region. This lawsuit was filed by the Union of…

United Kingdom: Is this the death of Human Rights?

A series of highly repressive laws and decrees are threatening human rights and freedoms in the United Kingdom. The main concerns of civil society organisations include restrictions to the right to protest, discrimination and repression of ethnic minorities and the dismantling of the Human Rights Act. Real World Radio interviewed Denis Fernando, Rights and Justice Campaigner at Friends of the…

UN Negotiations for a Binding Treaty on transnational corporations and human rights end with a protest

The eighth round of UN negotiations for a Binding Treaty on transnational corporations and human rights came to an end on Friday with an action held by social movements and organizations which demanded “Rights for Peoples, Rules for TNCs.” The negotiations closed with the presentation of a report and recommendations by the Chair, which included an informal document prepared by…

Corporations cannot define human rights

Moisés Borges, leader of the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) stated that the Ecuadorian Chair of the Working Group that is negotiating at the United Nations a legally binding tool on transnational corporations and human rights is promoting a text that legitimises violations. Borges, who is part of the national coordination of the MAB and is the coordinator…

How many more socio-environmental and human rights crimes until we say enough?

On 23 August, Friends of the Earth Latin America and the Caribbean (ATALC) together with social movements and organisations from the region held a public event in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, to discuss the urgent need to agree an international legally binding instrument on transnational corporations and human rights. The goal is to gain the support of democratic governments…