Continental Day

Vanessa Ordoñez

Weaving as a political practice

Weaving is by definition interlacing. Weaving takes patience and concentration, but is done in constant movement. Threads, yarns, strands and fibres are combined, crossed and mixed to form something new. When we look at something woven, we do not see threads joined together, one strand on top of another. We see the whole pattern, and the network that holds it…

Feminism, Environmentalism, Regional Integration: Interviews at Foz do Iguaçu Conference

Social movements, trade unions, and progressive government representatives met in February 22-24, 2024 in Foz do Iguaçu, in the tri-border area between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay in the Southern Cone. And why did they meet? To hold the Conference on the Integration of Latin American and Caribbean Peoples, organized by multiple political subjects throughout 2023. The conference was attended by…

Darwin Torres

Building the region from the bottom-up

More than 3000 people from 26 countries across Latin America and the Caribbean gathered in the city of Foz de Iguazú, just a few steps from the triple border between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay,  to participate in the Conference for the Integration of the Peoples.  From 22-23 February,  organisations and grassroots movements of the region: peasants, trade unions, students, feminists,…

Ilustracion del

A grassroots and feminist school

From 7 to 11 August 2023, the first in-person meeting of the Berta Cáceres International Feminist Organising School (IFOS) took place in Honduras. It was held at the ECOSOL training centre in the Comayagua department, a historic area of social resistance. "Berta understood the importance of political training and alliances to strengthen the movement. She taught us a lot and…

Dialogue and peace for Venezuela

The Uruguayan central workers union, PIT-CNT, together with the Continental Conference for Democracy and against Neoliberalism, and the Union Gathering Nuestra América, held a rally in Montevideo on February 7 demanding “Dialogue and Peace for Venezuela.” The mobilization took place in the center of the Uruguayan capital, while a few blocks away took place the meeting of the International Contact…