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Agroecology as the answer

The 46th session of the UN Committee on World Food Security  began this Monday in Rome, Italy. There, several national governments and different stakeholders will analyze policy recommendations for food security and nutrition, ending on Friday. Many side events were held in parallel to the official sessions, with civil society being represented by the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSM) for…

The win-win situation hidden behind the Amazonia fires

"How agribusiness and financial markets profit from the devastation of the world´s largest tropical forest". In this first part of a series of two audio-visual reports, Friends of the Earth Brazil unravels the forces behind the crimes that take place in Brazilian forests. In its second part, the organization analyzes, together with allied movements, the future of the affected communities…

Protests in Ecuador: indigenous communities travel to Quito

The Chair of the Confederation of Indigenous Nations of Ecuador (CONAIE), Jaime Vargas, announced that the members of the organization arrived to Quito on Monday 7. The march of indigenous movements and nations was met with violent attacks by the Ecuadorian Police. The leader stated that the communities will continue to mobilize and announced that “a dialogue with the Ecuadorian…

Organizations demand declaration of climate emergency in Chile

The Peoples´ Summit together with Fridays for Future Chile and the Civil Society for Climate Action (SCAC) were three of the coalitions which called over 100 thousand demonstrators to participate in the Global Climate Strike on September 27 in Chile. “This march was a historic event at national level for the struggle for a healthy environment”, stated members of the…

Climate Strikes in Friends of the Earth

Report from Friends of the Earth International - Climate Justice & Energy International Programme The week of 20-27 September saw the biggest global mobilisation to highlight the climate emergency in history with over 7 million people participating in global climate strikes and actions! Friends of the Earth groups around the world were part of this movement – supporting youth and calling for…

A global gallery of change

Transformative Cities, a project launched by a group of international organisations including Friends of the Earth International, the Transnational Institute (TNI), Right to the City platform and RIPESS, has recently published an Atlas of Utopias which shows that “change is happening”, Sam Cossar-Gilbert told Real World Radio. Cossar-Gilbert coordinates Friends of the Earth International’s work on economic justice and resisting neoliberalism,…

No to green deserts

On the International Day of Struggle against Monoculture Tree Plantations celebrated on September 21, environmental organization Amigos DaTerra Brasil issued a statement rejecting the World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) which will take place in Curitiba from September 29 to October 5 with the support of the Brazilian government. “Corporations, researchers and governments around the…

People in over 150 countries get ready to mobilise against climate change inaction

“Communities in the South are being hit by the impacts of climate change and dirty energy now. It's not a question of the future, it's a question of now, it's a question of survival now”, warned environmental activist Sara Shaw, from Friends of the Earth  , on Wednesday. “We are participating in these mobilizations to stand with people being impacted…

David Castillo: Corruption and violence in Honduras

After 42 months of the political femicide of Berta Cáceres in Honduras, and while people await the definitive ruling against the seven men accused as the perpetrators of the crime  and the beginning of the trial against David Castillo as one of the masterminds, the organization that was coordinated by the late Lenca indigenous leader (COPINH) launched a report that exposes…