
From Santiago to Madrid, the world woke up

In a year marked by climate mobilizations, the people took to the streets once again in Madrid and Santiago against political inaction in the face of the climate and environmental crises. These are demonstrations that unite in one same voice the diversity of the struggles, demanding concrete and ambitious measures based on social justice, equity and the protection of Nature.…

Sentences of up to 50 years for Berta Cáceres’ murderers

The ruling came 45 months after Berta’s murder. The seven men had been convicted as the direct perpetrators of her murder on November 29, 2018. “The Honduras Sentencing Court sentenced the seven men guilty of the murder of Berta Isabel Cáceres to 30 and 34 years in prison, and for four of them an additional 16 years and 4 months for attempted…

Latin American Movements reject coup d’état in Bolivia and express solidarity with Bolivian people

In the past hours, popular social movements and organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean have expressed their strong opposition to the coup d’état in Bolivia, perpetrated by civic business committees, primarily the one from Santa Cruz, the national oligarchy, the armed forces and the police. On Sunday, shortly after president Evo Morales and his vice president Álvaro García Linera…

“As long as I live, I will continue in politics”

The Bolivian President who was ousted in a coup d´état last weekend, landed at Mexico City Airport at 11:09 after several South American countries prohibited the Mexican plane from flying through their airspace. “It has been a journey through a variety of places and political decisions,” said Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard. The instruction was for an Air Force airplane…

Chile mobilizes for peace, solidarity and dignity

The Chilean Central Union of Workers (CUT) will peacefully mobilize this Wednesday 30 throughout the country in the framework of a national strike called by the Social Unity Platform. In Santiago, the march will start at 11 am with posters and banners from unions, student, environmental and feminist organizations. Mobilizations have been taking place, uninterrupted, since October 18, when students…

The win-win situation hidden behind the Amazonia fires

"How agribusiness and financial markets profit from the devastation of the world´s largest tropical forest". In this first part of a series of two audio-visual reports, Friends of the Earth Brazil unravels the forces behind the crimes that take place in Brazilian forests. In its second part, the organization analyzes, together with allied movements, the future of the affected communities…

Protests in Ecuador: indigenous communities travel to Quito

The Chair of the Confederation of Indigenous Nations of Ecuador (CONAIE), Jaime Vargas, announced that the members of the organization arrived to Quito on Monday 7. The march of indigenous movements and nations was met with violent attacks by the Ecuadorian Police. The leader stated that the communities will continue to mobilize and announced that “a dialogue with the Ecuadorian…

Climate Strikes in Friends of the Earth

Report from Friends of the Earth International - Climate Justice & Energy International Programme The week of 20-27 September saw the biggest global mobilisation to highlight the climate emergency in history with over 7 million people participating in global climate strikes and actions! Friends of the Earth groups around the world were part of this movement – supporting youth and calling for…

Haiti: Patriotic Forum proposes creation of General Assembly to end crisis

The first  «Patriotic Forum for a National Agreement against the Crisis» took place from August 27-31 at the Lakay Centre in Papaye, Haiti. This initiative of the 4G Kontre platform, which gathers peasant organizations MPNKP, Tèt Kole, KROSE and MPP, brought together several organizations from the civil society, the trade union movement, the student movement, peasant organizations, women’s organizations, human rights…

BlackRock invests in burning the Amazon

“As fires rage across the Amazon, a report released today reveals that BlackRock, the world’s largest institutional investor with $6.5 trillion USD in assets, is deeply invested in the sectors most responsible for tropical forest destruction in the Amazon and around the world”, reads a press release issued by Friends of the Earth US about the new report. The report BlackRock’s Big…