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Until the river is killed

EPM, the public utility service company of Medellin in charge of the construction of Hidroituango, the hydroelectric project in Ituango, municipality of Antioquia, on February 5 closed some gates of the dam, disrupting the bed of the Cauca river and affecting its flow for four days, killing thousands of fish. The Cauca River runs through about 180 municipalities in the…

Rios Vivos

The Rios Vivos Colombia Movement expresses its solidarity with the Brazilian people affected by the breaking of the mining dams in Bounadinho- Minas Gerais

We send an energetic, supportive and full of hope embrace to the families of those whose life was taken by this corporate crime. Latin American rivers are the veins through which the hope and progress of the people circulate, so we salute with special affection the fishing communities, farmers, peasants and all the inhabitants of the Paraopeba river basin, for…