Latin America and the Caribbean

Brumadinho: one million people affected

“This is the second crime of this type. Brumadinho has been worse than Mariana. How many more crimes will it take to rethink the mining paradigm?” Moisés Borges, member of the National Coordination of the Movement of Peoples Affected by Dams (MAB) told Real World Radio.  The MAB is getting ready to host tens of activists from around the world…

La Via Campesina to hold Solidarity Mission in Venezuela

La Vía Campesina (LVC) will hold an International Solidarity Mission in Venezuela from 20-27 January, with the aim of showing the everyday life of Venezuelan people suffering from the impacts of the US blockade, and how they are facing this with creativity, solidarity and resistance. The Ezequiel Zamora National Peasant Front (FNCEZ) of the Bolivar and Zamora Revolutionary Current will…

Peoples’ Tribunal to judge crimes committed by UN “Stabilisation Mission” MINUSTAH in Haiti

The Peoples' Tribunal will assess and rule on the crimes committed during the 15 years of international military occupation in Haiti through the United Nations “peacekeeping” missions (such as MINUSTAH and MINUJUSTH). The Tribunal will aim to promote “processes of disengagement, justice and reparation for all the victims of repression, sexual violence and cholera introduced by the occupation troops”, reported…

On the way to COP25: It’s not only a climate crisis, our present and future are at stake

The Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change—also known as COP25,—takes place from 2 to 13 December, 2019, in Madrid, Spain. The COP was originally scheduled to take place in Santiago, Chile. But, when the announcement of more neoliberal economic and social measures sparked popular protests amounting to a “social crisis” in this South American country in October, the government…

“We are willing to give our lives if necessary to bring democracy back”

“Neither bullets nor repression will silence the indigenous peasant movement” stated the National Coordinator of the Landless Indigenous Peasant Workers Movement of Bolivia (MST-B), Silvestre Saisari. “We have gone back to the times of the Inquisition, when they colonized you with the Bible and swords”, he added. Real World Radio interviewed Silvestre on Monday, eight days after the coup d´état…

Latin American Movements reject coup d’état in Bolivia and express solidarity with Bolivian people

In the past hours, popular social movements and organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean have expressed their strong opposition to the coup d’état in Bolivia, perpetrated by civic business committees, primarily the one from Santa Cruz, the national oligarchy, the armed forces and the police. On Sunday, shortly after president Evo Morales and his vice president Álvaro García Linera…

“As long as I live, I will continue in politics”

The Bolivian President who was ousted in a coup d´état last weekend, landed at Mexico City Airport at 11:09 after several South American countries prohibited the Mexican plane from flying through their airspace. “It has been a journey through a variety of places and political decisions,” said Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard. The instruction was for an Air Force airplane…

Lula da Silva freed

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva addressed supporters on Saturday in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Sao Paulo State, after being released from the Federal Police Headquarters in Curitiba city, where he was a political prisoner for 580 days. His public address was held at the headquarters of the Metal Workers Union of Sao Bernardo do Campo, where he…

Latin-American social movements unite in Cuba: solidarity, organized resistance and strategies for peoples’ progress

“There is no one way of thinking, no one recipe for organizing, there are many ways, and this resistance built from the grassroots is a reflection of the moment we are experiencing”, said Martha Flores, Coordinator of Jubilee South Americas, in Havana, Cuba, on Saturday. She was interviewed by Real World Radio on the second day of the Anti-Imperialist Meeting…