Latin America and the Caribbean

IPCC report leaves no doubt about climate change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released, on 9 August 2021, the first part of its Sixth Assessment Report: “Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis”. The rest of the report will be released over the next few months. “Many of the changes observed in the climate are unprecedented in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, and…

David Castillo found guilty as co-perpetrator for the murder of Berta Cáceres

On 5 July, the city of Tegucigalpa sentencing court’s first chamber unanimously found David Castillo, Honduran businessman and intelligence officer, guilty of co-perpetrating the murder of Berta Cáceres. His sentence will be announced on 3 August. The ruling confirmed, among the main pieces of evidence, the numerous phone communications, text messages and WhatsApp chats through which Castillo coordinated actions to…

It’s Time To Put an End To Free Trade

One of the strategies of corporate power is to make economic projects and policies impossible for most people to understand. Not only that, when it comes to freetrade agreements, the drafts resulting from these negotiations are kept from the public. This is why social movements must take on the task to unveil the logic and the interests behind these agreements.…

Historic elections in Chile towards a new plurinational Constitution

Over the weekend, fruit of the popular struggle, the Chilean people elected their Constitutional Convention to draft a new Constitution to put an end to the one that has been in force since the Pinochet dictatorship. The event was divided into two days to comply with health protocols, and the results were historic. Simultaneously, regional governors, mayors and councilors were…

Colombia: Mobilization Continues To Grow

On April 28th, a National Strike started in Colombia. Since then, there have been massive demonstrations on the streets, spearheaded by women, youth, and Indigenous, peasant, and Black organizations. As president Iván Duque deployed the military to several important cities across the country, this increased the magnitude of the militarization, paramilitarism, and governance by Colombian police and military forces. On…

Sovereign Cuba: Creating Vaccines for Life and Integration Between the Peoples

The market race for COVID-19 vaccines is widening the vaccine access gap. Some countries in the global North are buying more vaccines than they need for their entire population, while most countries in the global South are faced with shortages, resulting in slow vaccination programs. As long as vaccination efforts are driven by economic capacity, competition, and property, there will…

“A movement in formation”: Online Screening on La Via Campesina and RWR Facebook pages

From now on, more than ever, capitalism will only offer us more crises of conflict, war, migration, global warming, hunger, pandemics and death. In this context, formation in La Via Campesina with a perspective of human emancipation is strategic. It has the historical task of contributing to forging collective political subjects, capable of mobilising consciences, resources, and processes for the…


Representatives from different trade unions affiliated to the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) stressed their commitment with the struggle for racial equality today. They also expect to ratify this commitment during the 4th Continental Congress to be held by TUCA from 20-23 April. With the workshop titled “The fight for racial equality in trade unions and the world…

For a universal, solidarity-based, public, inclusive, comprehensive and redistributive social security system

Real World Radio interviewed Francisca Jiménez, Deputy Chair at TUCA, in charge of closing the second pre-congress workshop of the 4th Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) Congress. The activity titled “The trade union strategy related to the reforms of social protection systems in light of the ‘Future of Work’” was supported by the Bureau for Workers´ Activities (ACTRAV)…