
Fukushima: Ten years on

Ten years have passed since the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident of 11 March 2011. Yet whilst the impacts of these disasters continue to be felt, efforts are being made to render this invisible. Friends of the Earth Japan has conducted video interviews with evacuees, dairy farmers, fishermen and other community…

Japanese government plans to release radioactive contaminated water

“The Japanese government intends to proceed with its plan for environmental release of radioactive contaminated water that has been accumulating since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011,” denounced Friends of the Earth Japan in a press release. The environmental organisation has launched an online petition demanding the Japanese government that water be stored on land and solidified,…

Nuclear power and coal? No, thanks

Japanese company Hitachi, through its subsidiary Horizon, announced it will suspend the building of a new nuclear reactor on the Isle of Anglesey in Wales (UK), the site of the British oldest nuclear power plant closed in 2015. The project was announced in 2017, but in January 2019, Hitachi officially announced that it would “freeze” the project due to lack…