Gender Justice and Dismantling Patriarchy

“Women are on the frontline of defending rights and the environment”

This was the third meeting of Friends of the Earth International´s Working Group since it was created. From May 2 to 5, its members analyzed what has been done so far and the steps to follow. Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) seeks to mainstream the feminist perspective and gender justice in all its programs, campaigns and member groups. Real…

Military police officers arrested for murder of Marielle Franco

Retired military police officer Ronnie Lessa (48) and former military police Élcio Vieira de Queiroz (46) were arrested in the early morning of March 12, accused of being the ones who executed Marielle Franco, councilwoman of PSOL Party and her driver, Anderson Gomes, almost a year ago. The arrest was made by the Homicide Division of the Civil Police of…

Highlights of Friends of the Earth International’s work through communications

Take a journey through our campaigns and top moments from 2017 and 2018: demonstrations and public actions, work programs and the hottest topics, the painful and most rewarding moments. This film was shared in November 2018 at Friends of the Earth International’s General Meeting - the highest decision-making body of the federation, as part of a communications’ report.

At close range

On November 14, at dawn, the Comando Jungla attacked Mapuche community Temucuicui. There were helicopters and tankettes surrounding the territory. As a result of the armed attack by the command, Camilo Catrillanca, a 25-year-old Mapuche man, grandson of Lonko Juan Segundo Catrillanca, of the Temucuicui traditional community and son of Marcelo Catrillanca, a renowned leader of the Mapuche people, was…

Failed model: greenwashing

“It´s a sham” saying that the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is solving the serious socioenvironmental effects of this industry, said Nigerian environmental activist Rita Uwaka. “There are more environmental abuses, human rights abuses in countries where most of these RSPO certified companies exist”, she added. The annual conference of the RSPO is taking place from Monday to Thursday…

Environmental Justice and Fight against Patriarchy: Body, Territory and Work

On May 1st, 2018, four women members of Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) took part in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, in a public event called "Environmental Justice and Fight against Patriarchy: Body, Territory and Work", organized by Otros Mundos A.C. The speakers were: Ivana Kulić, from the Center for Environment/ Friends of the Earth Bosnia and Herzegovina;…

Being a defender in Central America

Marta Rivas was born 29 years ago in a settlement for Salvadoran refugees in Honduras known as “Mesa Grande”, where she lived with hundreds of children who grew up during the armed conflict that took place in El Salvador from 1980 to 1992. She was named after her community: Santa Marta, located in Cabañas department, to the North of her…

In Secret

The negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), involving 16 Asia-Pacific countries, are failing international standards of transparency and public participation, according to a study titled “RCEP: A secret deal” conducted by several international organizations. “It is quite shocking how representatives of the governments are able to hide behind secrecy, saying that it is necessary for effective negotiations” said…

Justice for Juana Raymundo

In an interview with Real World Radio, Mauro Vay, founder and General Coordinator of the Peasant Development Committee (CODECA) said that the kidnapping, torture and murder of Juana Raymundo “is a sign of what we´ve been denouncing for quite some time: we are under a criminal government”. “The Ministry of Government plans extrajudicial killings against all human rights defenders, because…

Flowers in the Desert

Among the stories we find the one of Marichuy, spokesperson of the Indigenous Governing Council (CIG) “Women have always been present. The aim is to tell at first hand the stories of ten women that are representatives of the Council and also make reference to the role of the Council, which is to “visibilize the struggles from the bottom up…