Economic Justice Resisting Neoliberalism

The dangers of synthetic biology

Environmental activist Dana Perls, of Friends of the Earth US, denounced in Montreal Canada that the “gene drive” is a new genetic engineering extinction technology, which could permanently alter entire generations and populations of species.} For this reason, Friends of the Earth International is calling for a moratorium on the release of gene drives in the framework of the session…

Dignified resistance in Malaysia

Approximately 800 Orang Asli indigenous people are blockading since February 15, 2018 at several areas of the Gua Musang district, Kelantan State, Malaysia, in defence of the environment and their customary rights over land and to stop forest exploitation, mining and large-scale monoculture plantations. “We want to block any activity that would destroy the environment”, said the Chairperson of the…

Must be binding

The Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power organized on Thursday in Geneva, Switzerland, an activity in the framework of the United Nations (UN) to insist on the need for the new treaty that allows to take corporations that violate human rights to justice to be binding. The different social movements and organizations from the five continents that are part of…

Avoiding liability

“We have seen how transnational corporations use transnational structures and complex schemes to avoid liability and national jurisdictions and evade their legal responsibilities” in terms of human rights violations, said activist Anne van Schaik, of Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) in Geneva, Switzerland. This was during the third round of consultations held this year by the Ecuadorian Chair of…

Seeding Climate Justice

Aiming to advance in the development of a climate justice movement in Africa, a continent that will be seriously affected by climate change, especially in the Southern countries, a new edition of the “Seeding Climate Justice” event took place in Maputo, capital of Mozambique. This was the third event of its kind and it was held from May 29-31, 2018.…

Better without glyphosate

17 countries and 4 regions of the European Union have already banned the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON 810, owned by Monsanto. On June 5th, to mark World Environment Day, Friends of the Earth Spain together with the Platform for Territories Free from GMOs of Navarra and other environmental organizations held an Open Parliament Session in Pamplona, capital of…

War Criminal

Several French social organizations called on to demonstrate on Tuesday June 5 in Paris to reject the presence in the country of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, considering him a “war criminal” for Israel´s occupation and extermination policy in Palestinian lands. The demonstration took place outside the “Grand Palais” where French President Emmanuel Macron and Netanyahu were meeting. The organizations…

No to Oil Extraction

As part of their campaign “No to Oil Extraction”, environmental organization Friends of the Earth Togo visited the port of Lomé, capital of the country, to express their solidarity with the local fisherfolk together with the African network “Fishnet Alliance”, who strongly opposes oil activity. The visit took place in early March. Kwami D. Kpondzo, Campaign Officer at Friends of…

Seeds and knowledge

The crisis of biodiversity and the crisis of democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean. These two issues were addressed by Ricardo Navarro, Goldman Prize winner and founder of the Salvadoran Center for Appropriate Technologies, CESTA, and former Chair of Friends of the Earth International, at the biodiversity and native seed market and seminar that took place in the Central…

Defending the People

Last week, Porto Alegre, Brazil was the center of mobilizations in that country in defense of democracy and the right of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to run as candidate in October national elections. The former president faced trial on Tuesday at the 4th Federal Regional Tribunal (TRF4) of that city, in the framework of the “Lava Jato”…