Defending the People
A week of struggle in the streets of Porto Alegre

Last week, Porto Alegre, Brazil was the center of mobilizations in that country in defense of democracy and the right of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to run as candidate in October national elections.
The former president faced trial on Tuesday at the 4th Federal Regional Tribunal (TRF4) of that city, in the framework of the “Lava Jato” case. He is accused of passive corruption and money laundering and at the end of the judicial proceedings he could be banned from running as presidential candidate. Lula was convicted by the TRF4 judges to 12 years and one month in prison (without the right to house arrest).
Delegations of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), the Homeless Workers Movement (MTST), the World March of Women and the Workers Central Union (CUT), among other social movements and organizations came to Porto Alegre. These groups consider that there isn´t enough evidence against Lula and argue that the case is in fact part of the political persecution carried out by the right wing, corporate media (especially O Globo network) and the Judicial Branch.
Real World Radio covered the demonstrations in Porto Alegre and gathered some of the political positions of the social movements present. Below we share a photo gallery as a summary of the most important moments in Porto Alegre, thanks to the work of photographer Douglas Freitas for Friends of the Earth Brazil.
For more photos by Douglas in Porto Alegre: