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Chevron-Texaco Never Again

Ecuador´s Constitutional Court has rejected the protection appeal filed by Chevron in 2014. Since 2014, the Union of People Affected by Texaco (UDAPT) expected a resolution by the Constitutional Court of Ecuador about the protection appeal filed by Chevron Corporation to avoid paying 9.5 billion dollars as part of a historical sentence received in 2011 for the damage caused to…

In Defense of Peruvian Mountains

The National Agrarian Confederation denounces mining officials are “taking over the government”. In March 2018, the Peruvian government granted a concession to mining company Minquest Peru, acquired by Camino Minerals Corporation (Canada), to exploit resources in Siete Colores Mountain and the surrounding areas, in Cusco region, without consulting the people in a prior, free and informed manner. As a consequence…

Forced displacement

Israeli forces are forcibly displacing Palestinians as they attempt to demolish the Bedouin village of Khan al Ahmar in the occupied West Bank. Israeli forces are dragging away residents and protesters and attacking people as they resist being forcibly displaced from their homes. The Palestinian Red Crescent has reported 35 people wounded, with four taken to hospital. Our comrades at…

Political femicide

Her daughter, Bertha Zúñiga Cáceres, told Real World Radio that this may be a “historical trial”, although the people who masterminded the murder won´t be tried. The oral and public hearings against the eight men accused of murdering Berta Cáceres are scheduled to take place from September 10 to 28, reported COPINH. Bertha Zúñiga said that the defendants are five…

The dangers of synthetic biology

Environmental activist Dana Perls, of Friends of the Earth US, denounced in Montreal Canada that the “gene drive” is a new genetic engineering extinction technology, which could permanently alter entire generations and populations of species.} For this reason, Friends of the Earth International is calling for a moratorium on the release of gene drives in the framework of the session…

A century of intervention

Daniel Kovalik, writer of “The Plot to Scapegoat Russia”, deepens on how the US has intervened in many ways in Latin America in the 20th and 21st centuries, including the situation in Nicaragua. Since last April, several so-called “civil society” organizations have been demanding the exit of the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional and its president Daniel Ortega from office,…

Must be binding

The Global Campaign to Dismantle Corporate Power organized on Thursday in Geneva, Switzerland, an activity in the framework of the United Nations (UN) to insist on the need for the new treaty that allows to take corporations that violate human rights to justice to be binding. The different social movements and organizations from the five continents that are part of…

Hopeful and alert

The election of pro-Uribe Iván Duque as new Colombian president was analyzed by the leader of Vía Campesina Colombia, Eberto Díaz, in an interview with RWR The candidate of Centro Democrático obtained 54 % of votes against former Bogota Mayor Gustavo Petro, who promoted a wide range of social and political alternatives against the continuity of the right wing in office.…

Avoiding liability

“We have seen how transnational corporations use transnational structures and complex schemes to avoid liability and national jurisdictions and evade their legal responsibilities” in terms of human rights violations, said activist Anne van Schaik, of Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) in Geneva, Switzerland. This was during the third round of consultations held this year by the Ecuadorian Chair of…

Dreams knocked down

Most of the homes are led by women victims of gender violence. “Devastating”. This was the word used by Nelvia Agañaraz, a leader of Parque Esperanza neighborhood, Juárez Celman municipality, Córdoba, to describe the eviction suffered by 120 families in the early morning of Friday, June 1st, when police officers raided their homes, beat several people, evicted them and destroyed…