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Grassroots organisation OFRANEH denounces kidnapping and disappearance of Garifuna leader in Honduras

48 hours after the kidnapping and disappearance of Sneider Centeno, President of the Triunfo de la Cruz Community Board and active member of the Black Fraternal Organisation of Honduras (OFRANEH), Real World Radio interviewed fellow OFRANEH member César Benedith, who denounced that they have not yet received “any type of answer from the government.” At the time of the interview,…

Bolsonaro accused at UN session of attacking women journalists

During the 44th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which takes place from 30 June to 17 July in Geneva, Switzerland, journalist Bianca Santana reported how she was personally targeted by the Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, by social media on 28 May. This case is one of 54 attacks that organisation Artículo 19 Brasil recorded since Bolsonaro took…

Ban on small hydropower plants in Bosnia and Herzegovina

On 23 June 2020, the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina voted a complete ban on the construction of small hydropower plants (SHHPs) in the territory. In practical terms, this means immediate suspension of all new hydro-projects, and a chance to turn the tables on the exploitation of rivers and water across this Balkan State. The conclusion represents…

Ayotzinapa, Mexico: Forensic scientists identify the remains of Christian Alfonso Rodríguez, one of 43 students who disappeared in 2014

On 7 July, 2020, the Mexican Attorney General’s Office announced the discovery of a bone fragment belonging to Christian Alfonso Rodríguez Telumbre, one of the 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Rural Teaching College who disappeared on 26 September, 2014. Christian was 19 years old and was a first-year student at the Teaching College. The bone fragment, which came from his…

Feminist economy and environmentalism for a just recovery: views from the South

Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) and the Latin American Network of Women Transforming the Economy (REMTE) invite you to an open and free webinar on Feminist economics and environmentalism for a just recovery: views from the South, which will be held on Tuesday June 30th at 1pm CEST (UTC +2). The webinar is part of the self-organised activity of…

Japanese government plans to release radioactive contaminated water

“The Japanese government intends to proceed with its plan for environmental release of radioactive contaminated water that has been accumulating since the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in 2011,” denounced Friends of the Earth Japan in a press release. The environmental organisation has launched an online petition demanding the Japanese government that water be stored on land and solidified,…

Colombia: systematic murders of social leaders multiply during the pandemic

Since the beginning of 2020, at least 103 social leaders and defenders of territories, and 24 former FARC members undergoing a reinsertion process in line with the Peace Accords, have been murdered in Colombia, according to local NGO Indepaz. The Continental Day for Democracy and against Neoliberalism (La Jornada Continental), which represents different social movements and organisations, denounced the government…

The dire consequences of the gas expansion plans in Mozambique

Cabo Delgado, the northernmost province of Mozambique, is suffering. The invasion of the transnational gas industry, attacks by extremist groups and military deployment from a government that seems to hate its people, are all creating a frightening breeding ground for murders, forced disappearances, the persecution of journalists and social activists and the displacement of peoples. In a context of extreme…


Throughout 2019, the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT) recorded 1833 conflicts in the countryside (averaging five per day), 23% more than in 2018. This is the highest number on CPT records in the past five years. There was also a 14% increase in the number of murders (from 28 to 32), 7% more attempted murders (from 28 to 30), and 22%…