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No to green deserts

On the International Day of Struggle against Monoculture Tree Plantations celebrated on September 21, environmental organization Amigos DaTerra Brasil [1] issued a statement rejecting the World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) which will take place in Curitiba from September 29 to October 5 with the support of the Brazilian government.

“Corporations, researchers and governments around the world will participate in the World Congress to promote industrial monoculture plantations and GM trees and to advocate for false solutions to the climate crisis”, stated the organization.

FoE Brazil, together with the World Rainforest Movement [2]and other groups of the region exposed the impacts of these measures in a series of videos, highlighting that plantations are not forests. They also invite other social movements to sign a letter against the event in Portuguese [3], Spanish [4] and English [5].