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A Feminist Energy Model is Possible

Feminism is a social and political movement without borders that brings a critical and transformative look at all aspects of the organisation of our lives. Feminism strives for a radical transformation of the system. In each territory, it takes the shape, demands and wishes of the women and communities that are present there, and then through solidarity and internationalism, those struggles become one.

The transition from an energy model centred on hydrocarbon exploitation to a model centred on renewable energies will not erase the systemic and historical inequalities by itself. A just, and therefore feminist, energy transition must give way to a broader structural change. It must ensure that the logic and dynamics of existing inequalities are not reinforced, and that renewable energies don’t become another tool for exploitation and abuse.

But, how does a just and feminist energy model look like? Is it possible? This video was produced for this 8 March in the context of the International Conference for a Feminist Just Energy Transition [1], in a collaboration between Tierra Nativa-Friends of the Earth Argentina [2], Milieudefensie-Friends of the Earth Netherlands [3], Real World Radio and Friends of the Earth International [4]. It gathers the experiences of a diverse group of women activists, working at the intersections of environmental and human rights movements from different parts of the world.

On this International Day of Feminist Struggle we invite you to watch the new video.