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Friends of the Earth Africa at the West African Caravan on Water, Land and Seeds

This November, the West African Caravan on Water, Land and Seeds is traveling through West Africa to promote food sovereignty and agroecology. People are joining the caravan to defend small-scale food producers’ access to natural resources. The Caravan represents hundreds of victims of land and water grabbing and exposes the failings of industrial food production.

The Caravan is passing through Guinea, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo and Benin. Friends of the Earth Africa is taking part together with many associations, NGOs and organizations.

Food Sovereignty gives communities full ownership of their food and seeds and supports with agroecology, a food production method that has conserved biodiversity and fed communities for generations.

Thanks to the work of Friends of the Earth Africa, Real World Radio is able to showcase this photo gallery.

See more photos here [1]