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The win-win situation hidden behind the Amazonia fires

“How agribusiness and financial markets profit from the devastation of the world´s largest tropical forest”. In this first part of a series of two audio-visual reports, Friends of the Earth Brazil unravels the forces behind the crimes that take place in Brazilian forests. In its second part, the organization analyzes, together with allied movements, the future of the affected communities and the responses capitalism gives to what they are experiencing.

Friends of the Earth Brazil will be working directly with allied movements for the reconstruction of the affected territories and will continue to fight for justice with the Amazonian people.

Part 1: How agribusiness and the financial markets profit from the devastation of the world’s largest tropical forest: http://www.amigosdaterrabrasil.org.br/2019/10/10/en-the-win-win-situation-hidden-behind-the-amazonia-fires-part-1/ [1]

Part 2: How much are preservation and “green” capitalism false solutions worth?: http://www.amigosdaterrabrasil.org.br/2019/10/10/en-the-win-win-situation-hidden-behind-the-amazonia-fires-part-2/ [2]