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Feminist economy and environmentalism for a just recovery: views from the South

Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) and the Latin American Network of Women Transforming the Economy (REMTE) invite you to an open and free webinar on Feminist economics and environmentalism for a just recovery: views from the South, which will be held on Tuesday June 30th at 1pm CEST (UTC +2).

The webinar is part of the self-organised activity of the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies. It will start with interventions by Karin Nansen from FoEI and Nalu Faria from REMTE and the World March of Women.

The discussion’s starting premise is that the health crisis we face results from a capitalist, racist and patriarchal system, from there we will talk about the contributions from environmentalism and feminism in the construction of an economy that places life at the centre and envisions a fair and just recovery based on solidarity which confronts the pandemic’s systemic causes.

Date: June 30th Tuesday

Time: 6am Bogotá 8am Buenos Aires 1pm Barcelona 1pm Maputo 7pm Manila

Register here: https://bit.ly/zoominscripcion [1]

Interpretation in zoom in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Join us live only in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/user/mulheresemmarcha [2]